Intellectual Property Institute
67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3JB
Tel: +44 (0)207 882 8090
email: Director: Professor Johanna Gibson
[email protected]
email: Administrator: Ms Sarah Batty
[email protected]

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European Patent Office
The Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA) was established in 1934 as the
professional body representing those persons qualified to act for the owners
of trade mark and allied intellectual property rights (in particular,
registered designs) both nationally and internationally. It now represents
the vast majority of UK registered trade mark agents and all UK Trade Mark &
Design Litigators

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Our mission is to promote awareness and understanding of intellectual property law, and its contribution to economic and social welfare, through high quality, independent research. We aim to provide knowledge and expertise for industry, policy makers, professionals and the general public, in order to foster a legal, social and regulatory climate that supports an innovation-based economy.
The purpose of the Institute can be described briefly as follows:
Increasing the contribution of IP to economic well-being by timely, relevant and authoritative research and informing policy makers and public debate.
The Intellectual Property Institute membership comprises major corporations, law firms, the Patent Office, individual legal professionals and students. Its Board and Council of Experts draw on the wealth of experience of key players in IP.
The Intellectual Property Institute liaises with its membership to generate a timely and authoritative package of objective research, the results of which are published usually through our own publications. Research findings are also used to inform decision-making bodies in the UK, the EU and overseas. The IP Institute has strong links with related research establishments.
The research of the Institute is increasingly on the economic and financial aspects of intellectual property. Although the Institute is based in London, it is prepared to commission research from any person or institution having the necessary expertise. Indeed, it is a cornerstone of the Institute’s philosophy that research teams for any given project can be drawn from more than one institution, or department within an institution. In this way, it is possible to foster, for example, fruitful co-operation between lawyers, economists and scientists.
The Institute also tries to stimulate public debate on issues relating to intellectual property of topical interest, holding regular seminars and organising lectures and conferences. The reports of these seminars and events are published by the Institute, as are a regular newsletter and, in conjunction with Sweet and Maxwell, the Intellectual Property Quarterly.
The Institute is funded by subscribers and by grants of funds for specific research projects. Corporations and professional firms subscribing relatively large sums normally become Members or Associate Members of the Institute. This entitles them to involvement in the choice of the research projects and the opportunity as appropriate to brief the researchers and to follow the progress of the research and to participate in the dissemination of the results e.g. to the policy makers. They get discounts or free access to the Institute’s meetings and publications. The Institute also arranges occasional meetings of Members and Associate Members on topics of specific interest.
We would like to hear from you if you think the Institute might be able tohelp you with your research, or if you would like us to help you disseminate your findings and maximise their impact.
Click on this link for further information and complete the feedback form.
The Economics of Intellectual Property Rights and Climate Change – Three New Studies Provide a More Scientific Basis to the Debate
Future of IP Lecture Series -If you were not lucky enough to attend these lectures you may read what they said when they delivered their lectures.
Carl Horton – 29 October 2009 (ppt)
Jon Dudas – 30 June 2009 (pdf)
Alison Brimelow – 22 January 2009 (pdf)
Joly Dixon – 15 October 2008 (pdf)
Paediatric Extensions to Supplementary Protection Certificates. A Roundtable Discussion facilitated by the IPI.
Record of the meeting held on 15 July 2009 at The European Patent Office,
The Hague (pdf)
Please see the Institute’s response to the European Inquiry into the Pharmaceutical Sector. here (pdf)
Susie Middlemiss – 21 January 2010 „Licensing and Collaboration Agreements“
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
24 November 2009
2009 Stephen Stewart Lecture
Secrets and Mysteries: Confidentiality, Fidelity and Restraint of Trade
Speaker: Professor Lionel Bently
Paper available here: (pdf)
21 October 2009
Brigett Lindner (pdf)
Jonathan Griffiths (pdf) (ppt)
Estelle Derclaye (ppt)
1 July 2009
Patricia Akester „The Impact or DRM on Access to Exceptions: the First
Empirical Assessment“
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
18 June 2009
James Wallace „The Blackberry Patent Case (NTP v RIM): How NTP Got US$612.l5 Million
Presentation available here (PDF)
28 May 2009
Lionel Bently „Chicken Nuggets: Re-Reading Faccenda Chicken v Fowler“
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
13 May 2009
Dr Dev Gangjee, LSE, „Trade Mark Dilution: Bringing into Focus“
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
18 March 2009
Hector MacQueen, Edinburgh University, „Authors, Editors, Originality and
Paper available here (pdf)
2008 Stephen Stewart Lecture
David Vaver: „Reforming IP Law: An Obvious and Not-so-obvious Agenda“
(Final version of this paper will be published in (2009) Intellectual Property Quarterly)
Paper available here (pdf)
23 January 2008
Duncan Curley – „Supplementary Protection Certificates – Keeping Pace with Drug Development?“
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
28 November 2007
John Noble – „Unfair Competition and the Unfair Commercial Practices
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
2007 Stephen Stewart Lecture
13 November 2007
William Patry – Metaphors and Moral Panics in Copyright Info Here
Seminar 24 October 2007
Tim Roberts – „Puzzling Questions…“: Claim Practice in the European Patent Office that is too
favourable to the Patentee?
Presentation available here (Powerepoint)
Seminar 19 September 2007
Phillip Johnson – Look Out! It’s an Ambush!
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
Seminar, 19 July 2007
Charles Oppenheim on What’s Wrong with Copyright?
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
Seminar, 10th May 2007
Mark Bezant on IP Valuation, slides available here (Powerpoint)
IPI Seminar – 18 January 2007
Trade Mark Dilution: Changes in the US: Lessons for Europe? – llanah Simon
Presentation available here (Powerpoint)
The 2006 Stephen Stewart Memorial Lecture – Wednesday 29 November 2006
Gowers Review of Intellectual Property – Andrew Gowers Info Here