Professor Johanna Gibson – Director
Johanna Gibson holds first class degrees in cultural and critical theory, animal sciences, and law as well as a Ph.D in law. As well as Director of the Institute, she is Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Director of the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute (QMIPRI) in the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS). Before joining CCLS, Johanna practised law in Melbourne, Australia at Allens Arthur Robinson, specialising in Intellectual Property, Media and Communications Law and Competition Law. She has consulted to the European Patent Office (EPO) on future patent policy, the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) on the creative economy, the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) on advanced education in patent law, and has participated in expert groups on copyright, digital rights management, and human rights and intellectual property. She maintains research interests in legal theory and intellectual property law, traditional knowledge and cultural diversity, and the relationship between intellectual property systems and the narration of culture and innovation.
Mr Ian Harvey – Chairman
Ian Harvey has an MA in Mechanical Sciences from Cambridge University and an MBA from Harvard University. After a career in engineering and the World Bank, he was CEO of BTG plc from 1985 to 2004. IP has been central to his work for over 20 years: he was Chairman of the UK Government’s IP Advisory Commitee, member of the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council on Science and Technology, with many other appointments in public and private sectors relating to IP in Europe, the US and Asia. He has been Chairman of the Institute since 1999.
Dr Mike Barlow, Fairoaks IP
Mr Henry Carr QC
Mr Ian Harvey (Chairman)
Professor Johanna Gibson (Director of IPI)
Paula Nelson
Dr Stephen C Smith, NuPharm IP
Professor David Vaver, Emeritus Professor of IP & IT Law, University of Oxford
Robin Webb, Intellectual Property Office
Professor John Adams, University of Notre Dame
Ms Montserrat Ballester, International Affairs Director, Esteve
Dr Mike Barlow, Fairoaks IP
Professor Lionel Bently, University of Cambridge
Mr Jack Black (Deputy Chairman)
Professor Michael Blakeney, Queen Mary IP Research Institute, Research Director, IPI
Mr Hugh Brett, Solicitor
Mr Roger Burt, IP Law Counsel, IBM UK Ltd
Mr Michael Butler, Partner, Patent and Trade Mark Attorney, Frank B Dehn & Co
Mr Henry Carr QC, 11 South Square
Mr Trevor Cook, Partner, Bird & Bird
Dr Duncan Curley, Innovate Legal
Professor Gerald Dworkin, Kings College London
Mr Michael Flint, Solicitor
Professor Christine Greenhalgh, St Peter’s College
Mr Ian Harvey, Chairman, IP Institute
Mr Michael Hart, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
Mr Keith Hodkinson, Partner, Marks & Clerk LLP
Mr John Hornby, Solicitor Advocate
Mr Carl Horton, Chief IP Counsel, General Electric
Ms Sylvie Jaguelin, Les Laboratories, Servier
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Jacob, Court of Appeal
The Hon Mr Justice Kitchin, High Court of Justice
Professor James Lahore Emeritus Professor in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London and currently Consultant in IP at Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Melbourne
Dr Paul Leonard, Director, Intellectual Property Institute (Chairman of Council)
Professor Margaret Llewelyn, Editor of IPQ
Professor Hector MacQueen, University of Edinburgh
Mr Christopher Morcom QC, Hogarth Chambers
Mr Chris Parker, Director, Law and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Limited
Mr David Perkins, Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP
Dr Jeremy Phillips, IP Consultant, Olswang, Research Director, IPI
Dr Robert Pitkethly, Said Business School, Director of Research, IPI
Dr Tony Rollins, European Patent Dept, Merck & Co
Mr Martin Sandford, Intellectual Asset Consulting
Mr Hamish Sandison, Partner, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
Professor Aubrey Silberston CBE, Prof. of Economics Emeritus, Imperial College London
Dr Steve Smith, NuPharm Intellectual Property
Ms Diana Sternfeld, Rouse & Co. International Limited
Professor Stefan Szymanski, Cass Business School
Dr Puay Tang, SPRU, Director of Research, IPI
Professor David Vaver, formerly Emeritus Professor of IP & IT Law, University of Oxford
Dr Victoria Wang, Rouse Legal, Director of Research, China, IPI
Mr Philip Westmacott, Partner, Bristows
Ms Vanessa Winspeare, Associate Director, Forensic Services, Smith & Williamson